Linn LP12 Summer Promo

20 May 2024

Save 30% on LP12 upgrades

The traditional Linn Summer Promo has arrived and if you own, or aspire to own, a Sondek LP12 turntable, this one’s for you.

During June, July and August, purchase any LP12 component and receive 30% off a second upgrade. You can secure two performance improvements for your turntable at a huge saving.

The promotion applies to all Linn Sondek LP12 components, including Radikal & Urika bundles, and can also be combined with the current Lingo/Radikal and cartridge trade-ins, until 31st August 2024.

One of the many beauties of Linn’s Sondek LP12 is its modularity and upgradeability. Your LP12 can grow with you and be improved over time as desire and budget allow. Over it’s 50 year history, Linn has developed better versions of every component of this iconic turntable: bearing assembly, subchassis, power supply + motor, tonearm, cartridge and phono stage. Every one of those is included in the promotion.

The upgrade path for you will depend on your starting point. We have been building, servicing and upgrading LP12s for decades so we know what changes will give you the optimum performance improvements. The difference brought about by a Karousel bearing upgrade is astonishing, ditto a Lingo or Radikal power supply; we know what tonearm and cartridge combination will get the best from your deck and we will install any of those to perfection.

All you need to do is ask: 01244345576 /


Linn Karousel Bearing for LP12

Karousel Bearing Kit


Keel and Kore

Keel and Kore subchassis


New Linn Lingo

Lingo power supply


Arko & Kendo

Arko tonearm and Kendo cartridge



Ekos SE with Ekstatik cartridge